Niti's Early Literacy Development

I would be lying if I said I remembered the first book I ever learned to read. Even if I said I remembered the first time I tried writing, I wouldn't be telling you my honest truth. I will tell you what I do remember though: During my first year in school (pre-k), we were instructed to choose a book and read it in front of the class, so I chose my medium-sized hardcover The Tale of Peter Rabbit book. My mom helped me read and practice it daily for a week or two. I read very short children's books before this, but this was my first memory of actually learning to read.

Way before pre-k, I attended a day care during the summer, where I learned how to speak English. I was born in the US, but my first language was Gujarati because that is what my mom was speaking around me. She was also very good at speaking English, so I was able to grasp the language very easily once I started learning around 3-4 years old. My mom has always inspired me from a young age because she came from a different country and was still able to learn English and get certifications with some levels of education here in America. She always emphasized the importance of education since I was a child. With that, she was always there to support me whenever I needed it in school. If I ever needed help with homework, reading, writing, math, whatever it was, she tried her best to help me. She instilled a very positive, hard-working mindset in me, so I always felt encouraged.

Not only did I read and write in school, but I enjoyed reading and writing at home too. Because I understood the importance of learning, I found a natural joy in it. This sped up my literacy and development. From memory, I began feeling decently competent and literate at around first and second grade. I enjoyed writing narratives, as well as pieces about myself like this one. I enjoyed speaking through presentations and class participation. I often felt frustrated during my comprehension tests in the second grade though. When my mom noticed I was struggling, she told me to focus on improving that. Eventually, I got better at understanding and analyzing what I was reading. My mom and my school teachers were my role models.

I feel confident with my current literacy level, but like anything, I am still looking to improve. I always admire educated people with higher levels of literacy because some day, I want to articulate the way those people do. I will continue to utilize my literacy skills, while communicating with people and writing in my everyday life. During my free time even as an University student, I read and write as my hobby because I enjoy it. My mom will always continue to inspire me to be more educated and enhance my literacy skills because I want to show her that her early efforts in my literacy journey bloomed the brightest flowers.


  1. Thanks for sharing. Love the images and the story behind your journey.


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