What Should We Know About Financial Literacy?
Money is everywhere. People make and spend money on a frequent and consistent basis. Whether you're refilling your car with gas, paying for your school tuition, saving money to move out, or planning for retirement, you must deal with money. Even though everyone has to deal with it, most people don't know how to use it properly. One's financial situation plays a big role in determining their quality of life. When someone increases their level of financial literacy, it directly improves the quality of their life. Money is a tool that most people don't know how to use. Most people live paycheck-to-paycheck and depend on their single income stream to keep them afloat. They struggle to pay off debt because they can't save a penny and don't understand simple budgeting. These people are willing, but they just don't know how to escape their current financial rut. They don't know where to start. The first step seems the hardest. Financial literacy would solve the...